Thursday, October 20, 2011

Race, Gender and Media 9/21

Class was awesome tonight. We talked about the images of race in the media. I learned a lot about this last summer in my news internship. Our objective was to diversify the newsroom as well as the media that we produce. The issues that we talked about today is the exact reason why our M.O. was and as a minority especially, still is to bring about diversity. I want to talk about through the stereotypes that the media has but on African-Americans have been influenced in a negative way.
In the African-American community many women have issues with self-worth and discontentment of their image. I believe that majority of this is due to the media. Black women are pressured to perm their hair straight or wear weave in order to not stand out. Then the issue of the color shade is very prominent to black women. Dark women are portrayed in movies and commercial as the harsh and "ghetto"and the light skinned woman was portrayed as the higher-class, stuck up woman. Regardless of shade the ultimate image they were striving for was the image of a white woman. There are now movements that encourage women to embrace their natural beauty but I still feel like newspapers, TV, and movies have a responsibility to think about the influence every character has on their viewers.

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