Wednesday, July 7, 2010


    I have never been a skinny girl, but I've always been above average in height so it all evened out. THANK GOD! I was never really worried about my stomach until I got in to middle school and I started to look in the mirror a little more often and for a longer time. One of the things I always heard growing up was "SUCK IT IN" so that's what I did, all the time! Then once I got into high school I was on the basketball team and in Texas so I was getting a great work out for a couple hours a day. The idea of being skinny was gone because I thought to myself "its not like I'm eating Twinkies and watching TV, I am an athlete." I realized that I was never going to be skinny because my body was not built that way. So I decided it didn't matter what the scale said as long as I was healthy and I felt great.
    The idea for this blog came to me one day while I was working at Starbucks in Oklahoma and I told a customer I liked her shirt and immediately she sucked her stomach in. I thought to my self WHY DO WOMEN SUCK IN? Maybe they were raised with people saying "suck in" all the time and now it's just a habit. Maybe they think it makes them look skinner, but if you really look at woman when she sucks in yeah from the side she looks thinner, but from the front she looks wider! Why would women suck in for the purpose of impressing a man? Eventually if you go swimming together or you are so blessed you end up marrying that person they are going to see your stomach... and they are going to catch a view of your stomach when you aren't sucking in. So why suck in ladies? Be you. Men love when they find real genuine women (they are very rare). IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR STOMACH DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!  Besides that most importantly do it for you because honestly men never notice (unless you have a suck in technique that takes away inches!) lol even then your being fake! so BE YOU, BE REAL AND REMEMBER TO NEVER BE A STUPID GIRL!

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